- Dettagli
- Categoria: Donne e Media
- Pubblicato: 16 Giugno 2015
- Visite: 5609

Milano, 14 Giugno 2015
E per la terza volta, Wecams è invitata ad un evento dell'ONU a Ginevra.
Questa volta ho obbligato Marie-Noelle a parlare ma andrò anch'io, per fare rete con le altre.
L'iniziativa è organizzata da GAMAG, Glodia Alliance on Media and Gender.
I media e il genere saranno l'argomento in discussione.
la GAMAG è un movimento globale per promuovere l'uguaglianza di genere nei e attraverso i media.
The Global Alliance for Media and Gender (GAMAG) is a global movement to promote gender equality in and through media.
See the GAMAG Framework and Action Plan for more information.
The GAMAG Framework and Plan of Action writes GAMAG’s objectives are as below:
To pursue gender equality in media systems, structures and content by strengthening international, regional and national cooperation in which all stakeholders work together to drive change globally;
To follow-up, build on and systematically monitor implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: ‘Women and the Media Diagnosis’, and its strategic objectives; and
To develop and sustain gender and media priorities within a broad donor, government and development agency funding framework.
UNESCO and partners call for all organizations working in the field of media, journalism, communication and gender and media to join the Global Alliance on Gender and Media. If your organization is an NGO, CBO, association, network, training/academic institution, media organization, regulatory body (such as broadcasting commission) or media self-regulatory body, public or private entity, research institution, UN agencies, national regional and international development agency and your organization is involved in gender and media related activities or gender equality issues, whether online or off line, then this call is relevant to you.
Join the Global Alliance for Media and Gender by completing the short form throughthis link.
In addition, to participate in related discussions about the future of GAMAG create an account through this link, or send an email to gfmediagender(at)unesco.org requesting that an invitation be sent to you. You will still need to set up a username and password after the invitation has been sent to you by UNESCO.
UN Human Rights Council - Session 29 - Panel
GAMAG Europe – Global Alliance on Media & Gender –Issues & Challenges
June 17, 2015
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm – Room IX
UN Palais des Nations – Geneva, Switzerland
Distinguished Speakers:
· Mr. Alton Grizzle - UNESCO Focal Point for the Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG)
· Ms. Mounia Belafia – Co-Chair of International Federation of Journalists Gender Council
· Ms. Diana Nastasia – Research on Voices & Portrayals of Marginalized Populations as Women, Children, Immigrants – IAWRT Media Monitoring Project –
· European Women’s Lobby – Fair & Equal Representation of Women in Media in Europe
· Ms. Sepi Roshan - Astute Radio – Training for Media Leadership, Challenging Stereotypes, Media & Minority Women
· Ms. Lois A. Herman – Coordinator WUNRN, Women’s UN Report Network – Power Point on Gender Stereotypes
· Ms. Cheryl D. Miller - Founder, Digital Leadership Institute – Women and Digital Media
· Ms. Elly Pradervand - Founder & Executive Director Women’s World Summit Foundation – Women, Media & Beijing + 20
· Ms. Marie-Noelle Bas – Chiennes de Garde - WECAMS – Gender Stereotypes & Discrimination in Media & Advertising
Moderator: Ms. Greta Gober – University of Oslo Centre for Gender Research – IAWRT Media Monitoring Project
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Donatella Martini
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